
We identify your needs and create a bespoke approach to hiring the best talent possible


Best People

At EaglePoint we appreciate that every client in the boutique fitness sector is different, not just in terms of goals and methodologies, but critically in terms of culture.

Our highest priority is to identify your needs and create a bespoke approach to hiring the best talent possible.

As a result of our singular focus on the boutique fitness space, especially in our core strength of personal training recruitment, we have an unrivalled insight into what makes the best candidates tick. We know their drivers and we know what makes a personal trainer stand out from the rest.


Best Speed

We love partnering with those firms who are as passionate about improving the fitness industry as we are.

If you would like to understand how we can help you with your hiring needs, please contact us.

How we work with clients

We are comfortable taking on both retained mandates and contingent search, our database and global contacts enables us to service a wide range of needs and approaches.


Best Possible Price

We leave nothing to chance and we recognise exactly what our fitness industry and personal training clients want from us. That is the ability to hire the best people, at the best speed, for the best possible price. It's not our job to wine and dine our clients (and then charge for the compliment), nor do we organise conferences with the sole aim of increasing our network, unlike other firms we don't need to do that.

We are unique in that we guarantee delivery on our promises, and it is this fundamental stress on quality and performance that has seen EaglePoint become the recruiter of choice in our areas of specialization.


The work of a great recruiter should always take place behind the scenes


The boutique fitness industry is a relatively small world and this means that both client and candidate privacy is paramount to us.

We are an exceptionally discreet company who prefers to sit behind our clients and steer clear of publicity for ourselves.

We believe that the work of a great recruiter should always take place behind the scenes so that everyone involved in what is sometimes as stressful process has a buffer. This then allows us to retain our operative freedom within the market on respective clients’ behalf.