About Us

At EaglePoint, we are focused on one simple and fundamental goal – delivery of the right candidates for our boutique fitness and personal training gym owner clients.


Delivery Guaranteed

No fluff, no 'BS', no excuses, no time wasted, just simple, swift and emphatic delivery.

Systematic Approach


Time after time, we utilise a tight, systematic approach which keeps us focused constantly on your goals and steers us unerringly to their delivery.

Absolute & Precise Clarity


At the heart of our process is achieving absolute and precise clarity from our client. Both in terms of what YOU the client wants - in categorical and unerring detail, so that not a moment is wasted whilst we pursue what we 'think' you want, and then in terms of precisely how we will go an identify that.

Identifying The Best Talent Available


We do not rely on the odd 'word of mouth' of people in the market, although we do of course reference the final selected individuals to ensure their quality, but will systematically cover the available candidate and competitor pool to identify the best talent available.


Nothing Left To Chance

We do not rely on the odd 'word of mouth' of people in the market, although we do of course reference the final selected individuals to ensure their quality, but will systematically cover the available candidate and competitor pool to identify the best talent available.

We ensure your shortlists contain full information on each of the targeted individuals so you can make the most informed choices of who to see - saving further time and resources by only focusing on the correct candidates, and we ensure that each candidate we put forward has been interviewed by one of our experienced consultants, all of whom have previous work experience in the fitness industry itself.